Pros and Cons of School Lunches

June 16, 2020
Warriors at J.C. Booth give their opinions about whether they buy or bring school lunch. This was a recurring debate so we got to the bottom of things.
“A benefit of school lunch would be getting all the components like your vegetables, fruits, grains, and your milk if you take it,” Mrs. Dunn, a lunch lady here at J.C. Booth, said. This is important because students can stay healthy and get the nutrients they need to keep up their energy to learn. Studies show that about 27% of the kids who bring their lunch meet at least 3 of the National School Lunch Standards from the federal government. This means that about 73% percent of kids who bring their lunch are lacking some of the crucial 5 food groups.
Warriors that bring their lunch, take about 10 minutes to pack it before school, which can be a disadvantage if you’re in a rush in the morning. Although there are many advantages of buying school lunch, there are many disadvantages as well. It creates a lot of trash. Juan the custodian told us “It takes 1 hour to clean the lunchroom and a lot of trash is created in the process.” Creating a lot of trash is creating more landfills, some of this garbage is hurting animals, and damaging our ecosystem. According to some students, they think buying school lunch is a disadvantage. “I don’t know what my choices for the day would be till I get to school,” Maddie K. said. Many students don’t realize that they can see the lunch menu in advance online.
You can either carve time out of your morning to make your lunch and not get the 5 crucial food groups, or you can buy school lunch and meet the requirements. The choice is always yours.
Quan S • Nov 8, 2022 at 3:59 pm
The article Pros and Cons of School Lunches by Autumn B. and Oliva A. was surprising because i pack my lunch and i i didn’t know that only 23% get 3 parts of the nutrition of groups. I also didn’t know that there was 735 of kids that pack there lunch don’t get the groups thats they don’t eat. I think that bringing your lunch is a lot better than eating school lunch because when you pack your lunch you get to choose what you want to eat and how much of it you want.
Josiah Lee • Nov 8, 2022 at 1:03 pm
The article, Pros and Cons of School Lunch, by Autumn B. and Olivia A. on the was a very good article, however some people who bring lunch from home meet all five of the crucial food groups. Also, some people bring reusable containers, so there will be less trash, and I noticed that a lot of people who buy school lunch either don’t get fruits, vegetables, and other important foods, or they just don’t eat it. But, before I read this article, I never ate school food because I thought it was unsanitary. After I read this article, it changed how I feel about school food. Also, I want to know if the school food is handmade, store bought, or a mix of both.
Pearl L • Nov 8, 2022 at 12:48 pm
*Pros and Cons of School Lunches*
In this article, written by Autumn B. and Olivia A. I believe that lunch is the most important part of school. Helping with health and energy, but it states that studies show about 27% of kids who bring lunch only meet 3 of the National School Lunch Standards. This means that 73% of students lack food for their health and energy. The cons for bringing lunch from home is that it mainly takes 10 minutes up your time in the morning, but you could always pack it before going to bed. The pros of having lunch from home is that you can choose what to eat instead of finding out that morning, even if you have a food restriction. The cons of eating school lunch is that it makes it messy for the people who help clean up our school. Then, the pros of eating school lunch is that it’s very nutritious for our health, and makes us more concentrated in school. Either way, eating is always important, as well you can always eat nutritious food after school.
Kiki A. • Nov 8, 2022 at 10:25 am
Pros and Cons of School Lunches by Autumn B. and Olivia A. on the was very engrossing and absorbing
I have been wondering what makes lunch so crucial, not just to a school day but any day really. Lunch is a very important part of a day at school because it makes sure you stay healthy and strong and most importantly that you’re able to stay focused in class. I think that there are many cons and pros of school lunch because it is true that getting lunch from school is much easier than having to pack a lunch but is it better? I personally think that packing your own lunch is much healthier because you never know what types of ingredients are going into the school lunches. It is also just safer to pack your own lunch so you know exactly what you’re eating.
I jumped to conclusions too quickly and I didn’t realize how some school lunches can be beneficial for you. Studies have shown that 27% of students that bring their lunch meet at least 3 of the National School Lunch Standards but students who bring their lunch lack some of the crucial 5 food groups. Now that I am thinking it makes quite a lot of sense because sometimes parents and kids don’t understand the importance of lunch and just pack whatever they can find. Or sometimes only the kids might be packing their lunch, not adding proper food to their lunches. I now understand that there are many opinions about school lunches being beneficial or not but it really depends on which you are the most comfortable with. I found that the best way to understand something is to research it because that helped me to be more aware of how important it is to have a healthy fresh lunch.
Luca O. • May 3, 2022 at 10:43 am
Lunch is a important and significant part of a school day. It helps with nutrition and health. According to studies, it shows that only 27% of kids who bring their lunch actually meet the National School Lunch Standards. This can help to infer that this means only 73% of kids don’t meet the requirements. Now, although bringing your lunch is easy in fun because you get to pack it and know what lunch your going to have for tomorrow. It would most likely be better do buy school lunch for those reasons. Although it seems better to buy school lunch, there are also some cons for it. One con is a lot of trash, it leaves a lot of trash around for custodians and more work. The choice for packing for buying a lunch is always yours.
Maxim Mercier-Marginean • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:52 am
Before reading this article, I thought school lunches were questionable, and I still do. The article explains that while many people only pack themselves a very limited amount of nutrients they need, cafeteria lunches have every nutrient food group on their menu. This is true but also wrong because it all comes down to what students choose to eat. A student may choose to pack themselves a nutritious meal in their lunch box, or they could choose to pack something not very nutritious. It all comes down to their choice, but the same applies for school lunches. When you buy lunch, you are given a tray with the main meal on it. This could be chicken nuggets, spaghetti, etc. As you can see, you are not served any vegetables or fruit. Students have the option of grabbing a vegetable or fruit but it isn’t just given to them. This shows that students have just as much of an option to eat healthy at school, as at home. Besides that, home lunches are much better quality than school lunches. I remember this one time, I bought a school lunch from the cafeteria. It was chicken but I didn’t eat it because there was some type of bumpy skin on it, and the insides were pink. I didn’t feel like getting salmonella that day so I just didn’t eat. If I would have brought a home lunch that day, I would have gone back to class full. You also have only two lunch options or a sandwich. Students don’t really get to pick what to eat when they buy lunch from school. I would like to know if eating a school lunch is really worth it if you have the option of eating from home.
Blake • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:50 am
-Pros and Cons of School Lunches-
Although lunch at school is free and it is quicker to get it instead of making lunch, it does have some disadvantages, like the lunches sometimes have dry food like the broccoli, Chicken, and their juice boxes are sometimes frozen! These lunches sometimes arent very filling and still leave students hungry sometimes too. These few are disadvantages because not many people want to buy the lunch again knowing that it’s just going to be dry food and won’t be very filling at all. Although these school lunches do have disadvantages they also have some advantages, school lunches are free so kids/parents don’t have to buy/make lunches and can just come to school without a problem. These are the advantages and disadvantages of school lunches!