Is Recess Necessary?
Students at JC Booth benefit from recess after lunch.
January 10, 2022
This year, there has been a lingering question about whether it is safe for students to continue to have recess. With Coronavirus cases on the rise, students must be monitored closely, especially in large groups, causing many problems for teachers, administrators, students, and even parents. More so now that the new covid guidelines and variants are out, this may suspend recess for J.C Booth Middle School.
8th-grade science teacher Mr. Edinger says, “As a teacher, I’ve been doing this for 37 years, we’re in an environment the likes of which I’ve never seen… we’re going to go outside for ten minutes… get some sunshine, and take off these masks.” It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam” and regroup after a lot of work. In this new normal, where masks are a requirement in the classroom, recess is a much-needed respite from the confinements of masks.
“Students should still get recess because they get breaths of fresh air, which helps build the immune system and help the body stay overall healthier than just staying inside all day,” 8th grader Gabriel Brooker said. According to the American Association of Pediatrics in a policy statement in 2013, middle schoolers should have unstructured play during their day to help them to develop social skills and build imagination. Physical activity should still be an important part of the day. According to, an abundant amount of studies, such as the ones carried out nationally in South Korea and Australia, have proven accurate to the theory that time given to perform physical activities can lead to enhanced academic performance. Students’ necessity for a break is not just a statement that educators should take lightly, because it benefits the body by going outside. Even without COVID in the picture, obesity has been one of the leading causes of health concerns among students of all ages. In most primary and elementary schools, children, more often than not, are required to participate in physical education (P.E.) while having time to socialize and get their daily personal activity during recess. However, students in upper-grade levels can choose to opt out of recess if they prefer. Only the students in the P.E. classes are offered the chance to participate. Many, especially students, are supportive of the decision of having recess, yet others disagree.
The principal who brought us recess, Ted Lombard, says, “That’s one of my leadership styles; ‘Don’t say no. Let’s try something and see if it works out. Growth is important, and trying out new ideas for students is always better than nothing at all.” Rather than saying no, Ted Lombard made countless efforts and was able to bring recess to JC Booth Middle School. This year, students may have to take a step back.
Ayaan Kapoor • Mar 6, 2023 at 5:54 pm
Recess is also vital for me to get some fresh air, especially in covid times. Also, the way they give personal interviews helps me figure out why they think recess is essential or not important. It can also help me gain some knowledge. I love how it supported one side instead of switching back and forth. It includes more and more reasons why students should go outside more. One example from the text was, “Even without COVID in the picture, obesity has been one of the leading causes of health concerns among students of all ages.” In conclusion, this text help me understand how recess can be good for my body and yours as well.
Kennedi Taylor • Nov 9, 2022 at 7:54 am
Recess is necessary for students and even teachers. Recess is a time that we are able to be social with our friends and get all of our wiggles out before we go to sit at a desk for a couple more hours. Also recess allows us to be able to pay more attention in class because we have been able to burn energy. Although recess takes time from class and lunch it is well deserved. Recess may also be the only time that some kids get out to burn energy. It states in the passage that “Students should still get recess because they get breaths of fresh air, which helps build the immune system and help the body stay overall healthier than just staying inside all day,” So without it we may be un-exercised kids which is not the greatest thing ever because this could make our lives shorter then we would like. The author of this passage, Elijah Bowen, and Hayoung K. says that “ obesity has been one of the leading causes of health concerns among students of all ages.” Which means that any of us could be conflicted by this problem. Recess is not a cure to this problem but it could be a start to healthy lives. This is why recess is necessary.
Cilla Dunn • May 4, 2022 at 12:16 pm
I think this article is very true on recess. We need to get fresh air and hang out with friends.
Averie • May 4, 2022 at 12:15 pm
This is so true, I agree we need to go outside plus we need vitamin C.
Meghan Chao • Apr 29, 2022 at 2:21 pm
I agree that recess is necessary so people can let out their energy bottled up inside because if they keep all of their energy bottled up they will become fidgety during class and distract others meaning they won’t do as well. Another reason why I think recess is necessary is that they wouldn’t be able to focus in class because they are feeling energetic so their mind would race around instead of focusing on what’s in front of them
cody • Apr 29, 2022 at 1:40 pm
I agree with this article, because it is important for students to not be inside all day amd stuck doing work all the time.
Parker Wray • Apr 29, 2022 at 1:38 pm
I agree with this statement that Elijiah and Hayoung K. said. I think it is very important. If some schools did not have a good old fashion recess where would all the students use their energy? Nothing!!! I think it is indeed very important because students would be upset. They would think of school more like a jail than a place to learn, and the Parents would make their kids cranky. Would you rather have made kids or happy ones. I would like happy ones but that is just me? the text “Students should still get recess because they get breaths of fresh air, which helps build the immune system and help the body stay overall healthier than just staying inside all day”. I agree with this teacher. I think this person is right but that is just me.
What would they do with all of that extra energy? Their Mom and Dad made maby. When they are older they can handle not having recess but right now they are gust kids. all of this data that Elijah Bowen and Hayoung K are right. If there is no recess, kids will be made. The text states ” 8th-grade science teacher Mr. Edinger says, “As a teacher, I’ve been doing this for 37 years, we’re in an environment the likes of which I’ve never seen… we’re going to go outside for ten minutes… get some sunshine” I agree.
This is why I think it is very important for students to have recess. Agree with me or not the chase is all was your’s!
Fernando • Apr 28, 2022 at 3:01 pm
With coronavirus cases on the rise, students must be monitored closely. It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam.” Students should still get recess because it helps build the immune system and helps the body stay overall healthier than just staying inside all day. Physical activity should still be an important part of the day. Students’ necessity for a break is not just a statement that educators should take lightly. Even without COVID in the picture, obesity has been one of the leading causes of health concerns among students of all ages.
Anna Lin • Apr 28, 2022 at 1:50 pm
As this article said, recess is important for students. After a long day in school doing work for hours at a time., it is important for us to have a break. Even a 10 minutes break can mean the world for students. Even if there might be a concern for students catching covid it’s equally important for students to watch over their mental health, nonstop working may cause stress and sleep loss for students which is dangerous for young teens.
$0ph!@ B!ng3^^3r • Apr 28, 2022 at 1:44 pm
I Agree with this article, I feel it is important to get outside because if you don’t, it could affect your health, your mental health, and your learning target. in your article it says “.” It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam” and regroup after a lot of work. ” this teacher Is making a good point on what they are saying, kids, do need to get outside to blow off steam. I find that getting fresh air helps me when I’m mad instead of staying mad. In your article, it also states “an abundant amount of studies, such as the ones carried out nationally in South Korea and Australia, have proven accurate to the theory that time given to perform physical activities can lead to enhanced academic performance. Students’ necessity for a break is not just a statement that educators should take lightly, because it benefits the body by going outside.” this I’ve also seen a lot in my life and it’s the truth. I like your information and your facts about going outside but I do have nothing that I did find wrong with it and I’m not trying to be mean or anything so please take this as constructive criticism and correct me if I’m wrong, but this sounds like it was supposed to be a compare and contrast essay or the title did. if the essay was supposed to be an opinion essay then I would name the title something different because it throw me off when I was reading it because the title made me think that it was a compare and contrast and not an opinion, remember titles of the book give us an inside of what the books going to be about so I would suggest next time giving something like this a more accurate title but other than that I think you have an excellent essay and it made a lot of sense.
~ Sophia Bingemer
Parker • Apr 28, 2022 at 1:35 pm
The Article, Is Recess Necessary?, by Elijah Bowen, and Hayoung K. On the was a great article.
This year, there has been a lingering question about whether it is safe for students to continue to have recess. With Coronavirus cases on the rise. I have looked at this article and I agree that students should go to recess. I think that students should go to recess because students should get fresh air every once in a while.
I also agree with the 8th grade science teacher Mr Edinger Says that “As a teacher, I’ve been doing this for 37 years, we’re in an environment the likes of which I’ve never seen… we’re going to go outside for ten minutes… get some sunshine, and take off these masks.” It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam” and regroup after a lot of work. In this new normal, where masks are a requirement in masks. I strongly agree with Mr. Edinger because I do think that the classroom, recess is a much-needed respite from the confinements students should get 10 minutes outside.
Hayden DeBerry • Apr 28, 2022 at 11:17 am
I like this article because it breaks down a very controversial concept in our school. I, personally, think recess is important because it helps you to relieve stress by doing something fun.
Asutin B • Apr 28, 2022 at 10:57 am
I agree with the article, as pre-teens we deserve free time. We need free time to clear our minds, exercise, give our brains a break, and socialize. If we teens were not to have recess plenty could go wrong without recess we would be overwhelmed with school work. We also need breathers without our masks because of covid-19. Mr. Edinger and the 8th-grade teacher also agree that we need to get a little bit of time without our masks. Overall recess is needed for our mental health.
Grayson Ryntz • Apr 27, 2022 at 11:13 am
I agree that kids should have recess. We need to be active in school, especially after a long day, like when we take tests.
Jillian Cumbie • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:43 am
I agree with this article. Recess is a time of the day when students get a mask break and blow off some steam. Recess helps us stay healthier for the rest of the day. I also agree with what Mr. Edinger said about students needing to go outside for sunshine and a break from our masks.
Jackson Blair • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:38 am
I agree with the Article. Recess is important. We need exercise it keeps us active and healthy.
Ava • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:38 am
I agree it is very important for us to get exercize after setting all day in class.
Ava • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:36 am
I agree we have to stay inside in a chair all day. It is very important for us to get exercize outside.
kayla • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:31 am
I agree with this article, it i important to find new friends and play outside. Recess allows kids to get fresh air and play games with their friends. It also increases their level of physical activity. Improves their social skills. It also lets them reduce their behavior.
jackie • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:29 am
I agree with this article, it’s important for kids to let out built-up energy and socialize. Students go to school to learn but they also need to go outside for fresh air and have the opportunity to play games with their friends.
Wesley Braden • Apr 27, 2022 at 10:27 am
I agree with this article because as kids grow up, kids get more friends and need to let out energy so teachers don’t have to deal with over-energized students.
Samantha Veres • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:57 am
I agree with this article. I think that it is important for us to get outside and away from all the work during class. We also need a break from the masks we were in all day. It states in the article “Is Recess Necessary?” on that it is healthy for students to take a break from the masks. I think that recess is necessary because we need to get fresh air and we need a break from the terrible masks we have to wear all day during our classes.
Ryan Ermolaev • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:38 am
I agree with this article because middle school can be a stressful and tiring thing kids need to have a break. Another reason is you can get to talk to your friends and socialize. on the other hand kids might do bad things. Kids can also have extra time to work on school work or read if they would like.
Colton Nirenberg • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:34 am
I agree with the standpoint of this article that recess is about important to Middle Schoolers no matter what. Over time some people have tried to disagree with recess, but now Covid has given that side an even more powerful argument. Now more than ever is the time that Middle Schoolers need recess, and I would know being one myself. The article states, “It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam” and regroup after a lot of work.” I agree with the article on this as well because, even before Covid, students have always needed recess to burn off some energy especially if they do not have PE as one of their classes. In the end, Middle Schoolers have always needed recess and it should continue to be on our schedule.
rayan • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:10 am
The article, Is Recess Necessary?, by Elijah Bowen, and Hayoung K. on the was an astonishing article.
This year, there has been a lingering question whether it is safe for students to continue to have recess. With coronavirus in the world, there has been many arguments about whether students should go to recess or not. I have read this article many times and I agree that recess is important for students. Recess is important for students because students are in a building for several hours and they need to breathe some fresh air and they need to be in the sunlight for a little bit.
I strongly agree with Mr.Endinger, an 8th grader science teacher, who says “As a teacher, I’ve been doing this for 37 years, we’re in an environment the likes of which I’ve never seen… we’re going to go outside for ten minutes… get some sunshine, and take off these masks.” It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam” and regroup after a lot of work.” This shows how recess is very important for students.
Elizabeth • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:07 am
I agree with is article, I think that it is important to spend some time outside since students are inside all day long. They don’t get to go outside all day long unless they are in P.E. or P.A. Also most of the time in P.E. you are inside. It is also good for students to have some fun in the day since they don’t get time to talk to their friends during class unless their teacher allows it. Students that don’t like to take off their mask during class have a change to take it of by going outside and have some fresh air. Some students don’t get time to go outdoors at home due to sports and homework or any other actives.
Parker • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:06 am
The Article, Is Recess Necessary?, by Elijah Bowen, and Hayoung K. On the was a great article.
This year, there has been a lingering question about whether it is safe for students to continue to have recess. With Coronavirus cases on the rise. I have looked at this article and I agree that students should go to recess. I think that students should go to recess because students should get fresh air every once in a while.
I also agree with the 8th grade science teacher Mr Edinger Says that “As a teacher, I’ve been doing this for 37 years, we’re in an environment the likes of which I’ve never seen… we’re going to go outside for ten minutes… get some sunshine, and take off these masks.” It is healthy for students to have breaks to help them “blow off some steam” and regroup after a lot of work. In this new normal, where masks are a requirement in the classroom, recess is a much-needed respite from the confinements of masks. I strongly agree with Mr. Edinger because I do think that students should get 10 minutes outside
Jack L. • Apr 27, 2022 at 9:00 am
I’ve been thinking about this recently, and now I found an article about it. The article is to the point and flows easily. Kids need to get energy out. When we sit around in a class all day, the energy gets bottled up and then it needs to go somewhere, but we only have recess only 2 days a week. If we let the energy go, it gets us in trouble, when really the solution to that, instead of infractions, would just be to have a designated time for recess EVERY DAY.
We have recess during lunch, and the kids that eat slowly, or like to sit down, don’t get to go outside. That means that they are getting no physical activity during school hours. And even if they get to go outside, it’s usually for a few minutes because they got out so late.
Even though we don’t get to go outside that much, I understand the motive. Teachers need us to learn because this is the most important time for us to get information in our heads. If we don’t get it now, high school, and even college, will be a challenge for us.
Sofia • Apr 27, 2022 at 8:58 am
I agree with this article, all kids should have the opportunity to get out and breath fresh air. Kids can get overwhelmed with all the work that they have to do daily and wouldn’t even get a break time. Kids need to be able to have breaks during school for several reasons. Reason number 1, if they wear masks all day the would need to breathe fresh air. Reason number 2 is that they should be able to play with friends and have fun for 10 minutes, its also good that kids get to choose to stay inside or play outside. Recess is very important for kids so they don’t get to be overwhelmed with work.
Elizabeth • Apr 27, 2022 at 8:57 am
I agree with is article, I think that it is important to spend some time outside since students are inside all day long. They don’t ge to go outside all day long unless they are in P.E. or P.A
Alexa T • Apr 26, 2022 at 11:49 am
I strongly agree with this article. Students should be able to get some free time outside because so many kids need a break from school work for at least a couple minutes due to the amount of work we have to do each and every period. Recess can allow students to relax, run around, socialize, and just get some fresh air before they go back to do more class work.
Rune • Apr 26, 2022 at 10:50 am
I agree with this article because I think that recess lets us get out energy outside so that we don’t act as wild in class. Recess can also help kids socialize outside. It can help us and give a teacher a break as well. Recess has been proven to tire kids out witch will help them not talk in class and help the teachers.
WESTON • Apr 12, 2022 at 10:25 am
I agree with this article, I think it is important for us teens to go outside and play for a bit with are friends. It really helps us maintain are crazy as in are energy. If we have to much energy built up class can seme really borring and you might not want to do your class work and that’s important because it is a summative grade.
Edwin Romero • Feb 23, 2022 at 10:59 am
I agree with the article, I think that we should have recess because as it states in it, we need to build imagination. Also, we need recess to build social skills. As well as, I agree with Mr. Edinger, for we do at least need to get a little bit of time without our masks. I personally don’t like the mask, because they can get really irritating and itchy. We need recess as well because we might need a break from all the work we have to do during the day.
Eli • Feb 23, 2022 at 10:52 am
I agree because the kids should be available to have some fun and lose some energy
Marlee • Feb 23, 2022 at 10:48 am
This article shows that students who should have recess need the fresh air to take a break. Yes, there is the concern about covid but when you are you said it is a lot harder to get this vires, and recess is what we look forward to.